Just hours before delivery, an ultrasound revealed that her baby wasn’t going to be okay, her baby had developed early one, without a brain. A few hours later, her baby was born and the love between a mother and her baby was just as evident in her as it was in any of the other new moms. She held her baby, feeding her, loving her and caring for her like everyone else. The fact that her baby wasn’t going to live very long didn’t matter. Each day when I would see them, I would ask how she was doing and the mom or grandma would smile and say everything was well, and it was well. Lineth was blessed with a baby, and she loved that baby and trusted God to see her through each day, and I know He will. I wish my love could come that easy, without any reservations, hesitations, expectation or desire of being loved in return. I wish I could have God’s love, just like this mother showed, love for each of us no matter what our response to that love is, and be willing to give it all for someone else, just like God gave Jesus to us. For me, this is a picture to remember.
Source: A mother's love from Erin Meier – Asia Pacific