NMI Fast Facts
Download this PDF for quick access to the latest facts about many aspects NMI!
NMI President’s Packet for 2024-2025
Coming Soon!
NMI Treasurer’s Address:
District NMI Treasurer
2055 E. Hadley Road
Plainfield, IN 46168
Missions In North Africa
- Learn more about Missions in North Africa
Wheels for Missions
- We are raising funds for a vehicle for NACA, the Native American Christian Academy in Sun Valley, Arizona! A reliable vehicle is needed to haul supplies for the school. New leadership at NACA is working hard to restore the facilities to make them more functional for staff and students. All funds designated “Wheels for Missions” will go to this important project. These can be sent to;
- District NMI Treasurer
2055 E. Hadley Road
Plainfield, IN 46168
NMI Central – Adult Mission Education Curriculum
NMI Central is a weekly email publication focusing on the work of the Church of the Nazarene. Every week prayer needs and praise reports for the global ministries of the Church of the Nazarene and our missionaries will be listed as well as ways you can get involved. It is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. See the past archive of NMI Central publications here.
Go to nazarene.org/nmi and subscribe to NMI Central.
There are no longer adult missionary reading books or printed adult mission education curriculum. Please follow Nazarene News online for reports from world areas and subscribe to regional websites, such as eurasiaregion.org.
Mission Lessons on Powerpoint
These lessons can be downloaded to your computer and edited as needed to fit your needs. If you need these in a different format, email Becky Dusek at [email protected]
NMI Central – Kid’s Kaleidoscope
NMI is committed to engage children and youth, providing missions information and activities, designed to awaken and nurture a spirit of missions in the hearts of children.
- Kid’s Kaleidoscope – Mexico (PDF)
- Kid’s Kaleidoscope – Peru (PDF)
- Kid’s Kaleidoscope – Argentina(PDF)
Celebrating 75 Years of Alabaster!
As part of the 75th anniversary celebration of Alabaster, from June 2023 – June 2024, the third week of NMI Central each month will feature an Alabaster video. This week’s edition will share a video from Peru and it is available in English, French, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Thank you for your generous support of Alabaster, particularly during this 75th anniversary year. Encourage local presidents to confirm with their treasurer that all funds received for Alabaster are submitted promptly according to your region’s guidelines.
Click here for more information about Alabaster or to give now!
Everyone can give to Alabaster! There are no age limits, and there are no offerings too small or too large! Alabaster offerings are expressions of our love for Christ. Just as Mary poured out her costly perfume as her sacrificial love gift to Jesus, let us pour out our sacrificial love gifts to Him for the purpose of spreading His love throughout the world. Alabaster is the building fund of global missions in the Church of the Nazarene.
World Mission Broadcast
WMB Fast Facts
*Beginning in 1944, WMB now encompasses TV, Internet, and Video to reach beyond borders and barriers to share the light of Jesus in the dark corners of this world.
*WMB equips partner ministries with tools to connect with others despite the obstacles!
*Every church can participate! There is no set budget amount. Give as God leads!
Download the WMB Flyer 2024 for use in your local church!
Click here for the World Mission Broadcast Website.
Click here for a WMB Promotional Video and other resources.
Crisis Care Kits / School Pal-Paks
Shelbyville First Church graciously serves as our district storage facility for CCK’s and SPP’s. Please call the church (317-398-8966) to schedule your drop-off. The newest instructions are found in the links below.
Crisis Care Kits updates effective January 2025!
Crisis Care Kits 1-page Instructions
Updates effective January 2025!
School Pal-Paks 1-page Instructions_Jan25
Nazarene Missions Rollout
Nazarene Missions is a movement of God through the people of God.
For a complete overview, explore the website at http://www.nazarenemissions.org
New Membership Class
RECOMMENDATION: With approval of the pastor, the NMI president may give a brief introduction of NMI to prospective members in one session of a membership class. NMI is an integral part of the Church of the Nazarene, and all members should be informed. We are a global church and missions is part of our identity and ethos. The links below are documents that may be helpful in presenting and providing information.
- Church Membership Curriculum
- Membership Class Introduction
- Why NMI – A Quick Look
- 2022_Fast_Facts_Ltr-ENG
Deputation Request Form
NMI Scholarship Form
Website Resources
Literature for Africa list of needed items
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