Roberta Bustin, serving in Romania, shares the following requests with NMI Prayer Mobilization Line:
Pray for the Romania District as they endeavor to move into new areas and plant new Churches of the Nazarene.
Pray that God will provide more Romanian leaders for all the churches.
Pray for the construction project at the Sighisoara Church. Construction has begun on an addition, which will house a
Westside – Update 2
I really need to put a quick update out about the Westside team. Since they are from my home church, I’ve been hanging around a little later at night and not getting back home in time to update our website. I at least want to get a quick blurb out about their progress and post some pictures for you.
The team has been working on several projects for the Cobb Worship Center (CWC). They’ve finished drywalling and mudding the secondary entrance, they’ve drywalled the main entry way and a small portion at the very top of the stairwell to the mezzanine. They’ve also lowered the sound booth wall about a foot and they are now installing a shelf for the sound board to sit on.
Christmas parcels are a huge blessing to needy families in Tigmandru, Romania
"For us the shipment was a huge blessing – for us, for the community, for the church!" Magda Cini explains as we are getting ready to take some Christmas parcels to families in her village. Magda is the pastor of the Nazarene church in Țigmandru, a small village in the Transylvania region of Romania, and has started a number of projects in the community.
One of them is a mothers-and-babies