Una misionera aprende a ver el éxito en la misión a través de los ojos de Dios en lugar de los suyos.
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Indianapolis District Nazarene Missions International
Una misionera aprende a ver el éxito en la misión a través de los ojos de Dios en lugar de los suyos.
En una remota aldea guatemalteca, un grupo misionero se encuentra con una niña de 11 años llamada Margarita, quien ayuda a liderar sus esfuerzos de evangelismo mediante su apasionada fé.
So, while I can’t avoid busy seasons, I can change the way I approach them. I think I’ve realized that having a good system and process going into one can help us maintain balance and help from getting too far behind. I also need to keep in mind the we live in another culture, and that means we are always a step behind: behind in a translation, probably behind in a payment of something, behind in applying for something simply because there are things we just don’t know how to do, are too scared to do or are just plain difficult to do in another culture. I need to learn to give myself grace in the midst of these but also be brave and make the calls that are hard to make, push through cultural difficulties, and learn to be proactive even when it hurts.