There are so many things that I love about the Nazarene church – our history, our commitment to social justice issues, the way we strive for all people to have a place of ministry and voice – no matter your race, gender, or nationality. There are times that by the grace of God we, as His people, are a beautiful reflection of the Kingdom of God in the world. Recently I witnessed what -to me – was just such an event.
For many years now, a woman named Zhana (pictured above in the black dress and pink shirt) has been serving in the towns and villages surrounding the city of Pravetz. She is a wonderful church planter, coordinator of compassionate ministries, advocate for the Roma people, and a social justice worker. Just 10 days ago, Zhana was ordained as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene and our first minister to ever be ordained by the Nazarene church in Bulgaria. It was an exciting day and a thrilling event. God was present in a very special way and we enjoyed great fellowship together in the District Assembly and in the ordination service in the evening.
In other news:
*Zhana is just the first of a handful of ministers who will be ordained in the coming years. There are at least 5 other ministers who are are finishing their last theological education classes and will be eligible for ordination soon. I’m working to set up those classes for the ministers as soon as they desire and is possible.
*The church building in Stubel is almost finished. I’ve been going there regularly to help with the building and finishing work. Some volunteers from the UK were here and helped with tiling and I learned how to tile too.
*Please pray for all the Stubel building inspections that will be happening on Nov. 15th so that we can receive the usage permits.
*I’m making good progress on the renewal of all our documents for the church and the NCM foundation that haven’t been updated in years. This is a long and tedious process. I’m traveling now to all the churches for members to sign so that they can be updated. This involves meetings with the lawyer, going to many different government agencies and a lot of time but it’s very necessary due to changing laws and changes in leadership.
*Douglas Mann was appointed as the new District Superintendent of Bulgaria, replacing Jay Sunberg who was transferred to Hungary last year after 14 years of wonderful, ground-breaking leadership. We miss the Sunbergs greatly but it will be good with all that’s happening to have a leader in Bulgaria for all that must be done.
*I’ve started a home group and we’ve been meeting for more than a month now. We’ve averaged 7 attendees and had as many as 9. There is a core of 4, which has formed and then the others come and go. It’s exciting to be a part of it and to be mutually strengthened and encouraged in our faith.
*Next week the NCM Foundation Board will meet to discuss legal issues with regards to licensing for our work with youth, children, and the elderly. Please be in prayer as these are very important and vital issues – especially after having accidents occur during the youth camp in the last two years. We have just this fall re-activated the foundation, which has lain dormant for some time since our compassionate ministries have been happening primarily through the ministries of each local church. I was asked to lead the board and this will be our first meeting together.
*Please pray for me with all that’s going on. In October I was sick a lot and had to take 2 rounds of antibiotics. I’m trying this month to slow down a little and not work at such a frantic pace.
*The winter is about to begin. In Sofia they are about to turn on the centralized heating in the city. This means high heating bills and electric bills. Also, as the harvest has ended, people begin to live off the canning that they’ve accumulated throughout the summer months. Winter is the most bitter especially in the villages where there is little work. We praise the Lord that in remote villages where we have churches, all the church people have miraculously been employed. Please pray that this will continue throughout the winter and that the Lord’s name will be praised.
Blessings on you,